Saturday, May 18, 2013

Too Independent

I remember my stepfather teaching me how to ride a bike when a was in 3rd grade.  I remember watching my mom cook dinner as a little girl. I will never forget the early Saturday morning clean up days that I hated. 
Riding a bike became second nature. Cooking, is one of my favorite things to do and I'm good at it. Cleaning, was never a favorite but definitely is mandatory. 
  No one taught me how to budget money or how to manage school plus work while still being a kid. I began working at the age of 14. Paying bills and being independent was something I learned through life's obstacles, it was never taught to me. I never complained, knowing my parents had hardships. I just did what I had to do. 
The older I got, working and taking care of myself became a part of who I was and am. Letting people in and depending on others, was never taught to me. Resolving issues, dating, going through womanhood were things I learned on my own.
When I look back I say to myself, "why didn't I just ask for help"? Is it my pride? Am I ashamed? No. I was just a kid.

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