Monday, May 6, 2013


Do you ever wonder why some  of us are great cooks, while others are athletic.   You have people who are naturally artistic and people who were born to sing.  Some of our talents or characteristics are past down from our parents and some are taught to us as children.  When we become adults our talents sometimes advance or were so used to do something that it becomes a part of who we are.
Talent and skills are positive and most likely an attribute more so than a burden.  At times parents may have the best interest for their children but should also give their children a chance to express who they are as individuals or who they aspire to be in life.  Yes, it is a parents job to guide their children and have high hopes and goals but as parents you also have to learn when to let go.
Being a Doctor or a Lawyer is ideal for most but what about the daughter who wants to teach music or son who loves to write?  Should they suppress their hearts desire in order to make their parents happy? Everyone lives one life.  If you are able to be happy as well as survive New Yorks rent and pay your school loans back on time, I say do what YOU want to do as long as your over twenty one.

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