Wednesday, May 22, 2013


You take care of the clothes and shoes.....I'll take care of your hair

"But I'm Not Mad At Daddy"

As mothers you want to protect your children. You try your best to raise and provide for your children using your best judgement. Often times what's best for you overrides what may be best for your kids. 
They say its nothing like when a woman is scorned, but who pays for it? The children. Unless the father of your children are extremely violent or cannot be trusted, let the children determine whether they want a relationship with their dad or not. Don't speak negatively to your children about their dad. 
 Allow your children the opportunity to know who their fathers are whether he's mean,cheap,funny,quiet or immature. Just because your relationship didn't work out, doesn't mean your ex can't be a good father to his children.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Too Independent

I remember my stepfather teaching me how to ride a bike when a was in 3rd grade.  I remember watching my mom cook dinner as a little girl. I will never forget the early Saturday morning clean up days that I hated. 
Riding a bike became second nature. Cooking, is one of my favorite things to do and I'm good at it. Cleaning, was never a favorite but definitely is mandatory. 
  No one taught me how to budget money or how to manage school plus work while still being a kid. I began working at the age of 14. Paying bills and being independent was something I learned through life's obstacles, it was never taught to me. I never complained, knowing my parents had hardships. I just did what I had to do. 
The older I got, working and taking care of myself became a part of who I was and am. Letting people in and depending on others, was never taught to me. Resolving issues, dating, going through womanhood were things I learned on my own.
When I look back I say to myself, "why didn't I just ask for help"? Is it my pride? Am I ashamed? No. I was just a kid.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Senegal Africa

Ive traveled to seven different countries in my thirty three years of living. Senegal Africa made the most impression.  I watched the sun go down as the moon rised and watched the sky turn pink orange and yellow.  I sailed  over a pink river which was rich with pure white salt.  I visited Goree Island, where slaves were bought sold and killed. What stood out the most was family unity.  Families were so rich in love and unity ,that it made me feel a sense of sadness  because I yearn for the wealth of togetherness within my own family.  
Family values are not that different in other countries, it's what each family endures that may make a difference.  In Senegal, the people overcame extreme slavery and war during those times family was all they had.  In America education and status out way family values, therefore it is up to us to build a future where family will come first.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

No Expectations

As children we are taught that parents check our homework, cook us dinner and take us to the doctor when were sick.  Our Grandparents babysit us, visit on holidays and calls us on the phone for our birthdays.
As adults, the dynamics of some family relationships may grow closer are further apart.   You may have a mother who still works a full time job over the age of fifty and still have children at home to take care of.  So don't expect your mother to babysit your children or visit your home frequently.  Her life may be as hard as yours.  Will that disappoint you? Yes. But it is what is is.
Life isn't what it's supposed to be, life just is.......

Monday, May 6, 2013


Do you ever wonder why some  of us are great cooks, while others are athletic.   You have people who are naturally artistic and people who were born to sing.  Some of our talents or characteristics are past down from our parents and some are taught to us as children.  When we become adults our talents sometimes advance or were so used to do something that it becomes a part of who we are.
Talent and skills are positive and most likely an attribute more so than a burden.  At times parents may have the best interest for their children but should also give their children a chance to express who they are as individuals or who they aspire to be in life.  Yes, it is a parents job to guide their children and have high hopes and goals but as parents you also have to learn when to let go.
Being a Doctor or a Lawyer is ideal for most but what about the daughter who wants to teach music or son who loves to write?  Should they suppress their hearts desire in order to make their parents happy? Everyone lives one life.  If you are able to be happy as well as survive New Yorks rent and pay your school loans back on time, I say do what YOU want to do as long as your over twenty one.


Her eyes are so bright
So I have to show her the world
Her voice is so sweet
So I whisper I love you
She's a bundle of innocence
So I will protect her from harm
Her future is in my hands
So I will pave the way
Mommy loves you.......

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Don't Cheat Yourself

Life has taught me many things.  One thing I've learned is not to expect anything from others, but to appreciate favors if they are done.    You and I would love for our friends and family to reciprocate good deeds, but if not don't make a fuss.  I may lend a friend money and that friend may pick my children up from school.  Don't measure or label your relationships, enjoy them.


  1. We all wish we grew up in a "perfect" home but who and what determines what perfect is?  Two parents? A single parent? Grandparents?   Is a home considered perfect because you lived in a house and you had allot of space with a backyard to run around in?
  2. Every individual determines what's perfect for them and their family.   You can grow up with parents that constantly fight and they stay together for the sake of the children.  Or they can separate and each seek happiness elsewhere but still raise their children.  Children who are exposed to yelling, fighting, etc. often times can't communicate with others.  Parents who decide to separate in order to stop fighting are making the best choices for their children.
  3. As long as both parents are in their children's lives and communicate in a positive manner  they will raise children who communicate in a positive manner as well