Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"Cosmetologist are Color blind"

I am an experienced Cosmetologist of African American and Panamanian descent.  Often times when I approach someone who may not look like me with a business card, most of the time they deny it.   My Cosmetology license is colorblind, it was achieved by skills not skin color.   Don't judge a stylist by her or his skin color, judge by their experience, skills and knowledge.....

Friday, September 19, 2014


Hair is a form of self expression for some....a new beginning for others and some people just don't care....I am a natural hair person by choice and hair doesn't do well with chemicals and being natural allows my to style my hair in various ways.  the choice you make in how yo want to style your hair should be totally up to you..." Dare your Hair to be Different"

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Measure Your Madness

Do you sometimes go from level 1-10 in a matter of seconds?
Did your road rage ever take you there?
Do you take your frustrations out on the wrong person?
  If your answers are yes to all three, it's time to make a change.  Sit back and playback all the events that occurred that day.  pay attention to how your actions may have contributed to your own frustration and make a change.  if you can honestly say it wasn't you, then it's time to make moves with your surroundings, friends, relationship or work.   At times , just a change of scenery is what you need.