Friday, June 28, 2013


Superwoman is Supermans equal.  She can fly, she's strong and has super powers.  Superwomans hair is always done, mani and pedi on point and is always dressed in a catsuit.   The question is, is Superwoman real?  The answer is yes.
We can't fly or lack superpowers but we make the unthinkable happen. We manage to cook, clean, raise children, be companions, have a sense of humor, work, pay bills and still look attractive while doing it all.   So if your wondering whose the Superwoman in your life, look at your wife, mom, sister, aunt or grandma.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Ingredients of Me.........

Often times we become who we are as individuals based on how we were raised and or who and what we were exposed to as children.  The simplest thing could have had a big impact on your personality.   The children you played with, the school you attended  or even who your babysitter may have been.
I will never forget how much I hated getting my hair braided by the neighbor.  She put no effort nor did she care if I loved or hated it.  Every week I would complained to my mom but she would just ignore me.  
Eventually I became fed up.   After the neighbor braided my hair, I took them right out and rebraided my hair on my own.   At first it looked like crap but eventually I became pretty good.   
I do believe that some skills are a gift, some are inherited and others are learned.  There are also skills that are developed due to you needing something done exactly how you want it so you learn how to do it yourself.  Now I'm a Cosmetologist who specializes in braiding.
So the next time your wondering what inspired you to become an Artist, Teacher, Therapist, Dancer or a Firefighter, think back to when you were a child.